Losing teeth does not just mean that your look is changing. Missing teeth can also degrade your chewing ability, make it harder to feel how the food tastes and lead to new dental problems and more lost teeth. dental implants has therefore become an increasingly common option for those who want to replace their lost teeth.
The major benefits of dental implants are that they, unlike for example removable prostheses or bridges, are attached to the jawbone. In addition to making chewing easier and worrying that they will loosen, the dental implant also stimulates the jawbone more like a proper tooth. This means that with a dental implant you can avoid several of the health problems that occur when you have teeth in your teeth. Another great benefit of dental implants compared to so-called bridges is that the dental implants do not require you to grind and drill into healthy, close teeth.
The first step in implant treatment is that your dentist performs a thorough investigation with, among other things, X-rays to determine if you are a suitable candidate. The biggest factor that determines whether dental implants are a suitable solution is that you have a strong and healthy jawbone.
Certain diseases and medications may also mean that the risk of complications increases and dental implants may therefore be inappropriate. In children, one also has to wait for implants until the jawbone is fully planted to avoid complications.
If you are considered a suitable candidate, your dentist will then review your treatment and describe the different steps. The first step is to attach the implant to the jawbone where it will act as an artificial root for your new tooth.
This is done through a surgical procedure where the dentist folds away gums and mucous membranes to reach the jawbone. In the jaw bone, a hole is drilled into which a titanium screw is attached. How many implants are attached depends on how many teeth are to be replaced, but for example, a completely toothless upper jaw, you may need as many as six implants to provide a stable result.
Using the actual titanium screws for the implants is because the titanium proved to work well with the body's tissues and has a unique ability to grow together with the jaw bone, reducing the risk of the implant being discarded.
After the surgery, the implant is allowed to grow together with the jawbone and the tissue. This process takes a different length of time depending on the location of the implant, but often it takes a few months up to six months.
During this time, loose prostheses are obtained to fill the voids. When the dentist estimates that the implants have grown solid enough, you can then attach the new teeth most commonly made in ceramics. If you want to replace an individual tooth, the new tooth (crown) is attached directly to a distance stuck in the implant. If you need to replace several teeth in a row, you instead make a bridge between the implants.
How much dental implant treatment costs depend on how many implants you need. However, it is a rather extensive procedure and for larger treatments the cost can be high. However, through the high-cost protection you receive 50% of the costs of an intervention.
Despite the high-cost protection, many are turning abroad to undergo treatment in search of lower prices and shorter waiting times. However, if you are looking abroad for treatment, it is good to be aware of the risks.
For example, if you get misbehaved or are unhappy, it must be reported in the country where dental care was given and in countries outside the Nordic countries, the insurance cover is often worse. In addition, infection risk in operations is often greater in other countries, and patient protection is often not as strong. It is therefore important to make sure that the dentist is qualified, experienced and using high quality implants, which may be difficult if you do not meet the dentist before treatment.
After you have your new teeth, you will be called for regular checks with your dentist to ensure that the implants are in good condition and that no complications occur. Additionally, it is very important to take care of the hygiene around the implant just as well as a proper tooth.
If the cleansing is not done correctly, you risk that bacteria descends the longest implant and causes inflammations that in the worst case can cause you to lose the implant. Your dentist will also help you with tips and advice on how to clean the implant in the best way. Smoking also implies an increased risk of problems with your implants, and refrain from smoking is therefore important to ensure a good result.