12 Sep

Deciding to get dental implants is a big surprise and of course there are many questions that spin around before deciding. Here we have collected the most common questions about dental implants and answered them.

1. How much does a dental implant cost? 

It is impossible to give a full price in advance as each treatment is individual and there are many different factors to take into account. An implant, that is, a tooth costs about 20,000 kronor. On the other hand, you can not only double or triple the price depending on the amount of implant to be attached. 

2. How long does the treatment take?

Even how long the treatment takes is varied and dependent on the majority of factors. General oral health, the extent of the surgery and the biological healing times are examples of things to be considered.

3. Can you calm down before treatment?

Yes, Aqua Dental offers calming.

4. Can I be put to sleep?

No, Aqua Dental does not seduce patients.

5. Does the treatment hurt?

How bad the treatment does varies and the experience is completely individual. The general perception is that it hurts less than expected. 

6. Do your dentists have long experience?

Yes, at Aqua Detnal, some of Sweden's leading implant dentists work.

7. Is implant included in high-cost protection? 


8. What do you use for material?

We use mainly titanium screws but also work with Zirconium. We work with brands like Nobel, Astra.. 

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